Tiptoe Primary School

Tiptoe Primary School
Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School


Maths home learning

Click here for our virtual tour of Reception

Class 1-We are the Foxes!


Hello welcome to Class 1's home learning page! If you are at home self-isolating, please find ideas for learning that can take place at home. These ideas will be inline with what the children are learning at school.    




Daily Routine :

 We encourage you to choose one Maths, Literacy, Phonics, Reading, and one other subject task everyday. Don't forget to be active too!

Maths 15 minutes


Literacy25 minutes


Phonics    15 minutes


Year 1 Phonics  20 minutes

   Reading15   minutes

Handwriting  15 minutes

Then choose ONE other task from the following areas-


 Physical Development

 Expressive Art and Design

 Communication and Language 

sports challenge

Personal and Development

Each of these above areas has a separate subject page. Click on each subject to find lots of suggested learning tasks and links to websites.

 Make sure you build exercise into your day. Remember to take breaks in between tasks, and use it to dance, run or even make an obstacle course.

Please keep uploading your photos onto Tapestry.

Please also contact adminoffice@tiptoe.hants.sch.uk if you have any questions.

 Early Years Team x