Tiptoe Primary School

Tiptoe Primary School
Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School

Tiptoe School Council

We are Tiptoe School Council ! We are the pupil voice of our school!

We are an elected group of pupils who represent our classmates in discussing school issues in our weekly meetings. 

We help make decisions on how the school is run and take on projects that support the learning and development of our friends. We organise charity events, represent the school at events in our community and ensure the school is environmentally friendly.

The United Nations Convention of the Rights of a Child state that children should have a say on decisions that affect their lives. 

"We are your school council,

Please tell us if something is wrong.

We'll share your problem at our next meeting,

A solution might not take too long!

If there's chaos in the cloakroom,

Panic on the playground,

Too much mash on the menu,

Not enough room to turn around!

A shortage of homework or just too much,

Whatever the problem please get in touch!"


You can now post any problems or issues you would like discussed at our next meeting on our Tiptoe School Council notice board. Please  post your request in the green box.


Tiptoe School Council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account on issues that impact on them. It is a great way for pupils to be given the opportunity to take on leadership roles, problem solve with others and have an impact on their local community. 

Tiptoe School council also teaches children about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability.