Tiptoe Primary School

Tiptoe Primary School
Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School Life at Tiptoe Primary School

PE at Tiptoe

We are very proud that Tiptoe Primary School has once again been awarded the 'Gold' schools games mark for our commitment and engagement in the School Games 2022/23. Well done Team Tiptoe!



PE Intent


At Tiptoe, it is our aim to provide a PE curriculum that develops healthy minds, healthy bodies and promotes positive attitudes towards lifetime physical activity, fitness and sports skill.

We aim to provide 2 hours of high quality PE a week. One of these hours is provided by expert sports coaches that deliver a sports programme focussing on improving individual skill. Each programme culminates in children participating in games with their peers to give them opportunity to practise these taught skills. Staff participate and observe sports coaches to gather ideas and skills to improve their own PE teaching.

Tiptoe staff follow a curriculum that aims to develop the personal, social, creative, cognitive and physical skills of each child. This curriculum inspires teachers to enjoy PE and gives us all the confidence to develop outstanding lessons. It also encourages children to evaluate their performance and the performance of others to ensure that they are constantly improving their skills and abilities.

Tiptoe Primary School hopes to encourage all children to develop positive attitudes to PE and sport, improve health and well-being, cater for all abilities, allow every child to fulfil their potential, encourage lifelong participation, and provide competitive activities. We aim:

  • To engage all pupils in regular physical activity in line with the recommendations from Youth Sport Trust and government guidelines, striving for our children to be active for 30 minutes a day in addition to their two timetabled PE lessons
  • To increase participation in competitive sport
  • To provide opportunities for children to participate in a broad range of physical activities, providing variety and an introduction to as many sports and activities as possible
  • To develop the children’s fundamental movement skills, enabling lifelong participation in physical activity
  • To develop multi-ability skills through PE, enabling the children to use and develop cognitive, personal, social, creative and physical skills through physical activity.
  • To encourage all children to achieve their personal best.




Our scheme of work for PE and Sport

Our curriculum maps for PE and sport were devised by merging the National Curriculum aims and purposes with the ‘Real PE’ scheme of work. Our core values and vision for PE and sport are embedded throughout. We aim to teach two sessions per week based around the fundamental movement skills and multi abilities outlined the ‘Real PE’ units of work. These skills will enable the children to play a range of sports and develop the core strength, agility, balance and co-ordination needed to improve their abilities in Dance and Gymnastics. We make cross-curricular links to themes and topics where appropriate.

The language of ‘personal best’ is used so that all children can achieve in a lesson no matter what level of physical skills that they have.


What is Real PE?

The Real PE programme provides fun and simple to follow schemes of work and support for Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 practitioners that give them the confidence and skills to deliver outstanding PE. It is fully aligned to the National Curriculum and OFSTED requirements and focuses on the development of agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning through a unique approach to teaching and learning.



Aims of Real PE

  1. To support the development of positive attitudes by young people towards physical activity.
  2. To improve pupils’ core skills and confidence in PE and sport, enabling greater access to the PE curriculum and sports specific pursuits.
  3. To support identification, extension and development of more able and talented.
  4. To provide an effective assessment for learning tool


Core Values of Real PE

Real PE focusses on 3 central philosophies, these are;

  • Creating clear, shared learning journeys
  • Providing quality personalised learning opportunities
  • Shifting responsibility towards the learner


Key elements of Real PE

  • 12 fundamental skills focusing on balance, agility and coordination (these skills progress from Reception to Year 1 to Year 2)
  • 6 multi-abilities (colour coded) ; personal, social, cognitive, creative, physical, health and fitness


Please click below for information on the progression of skills in Real PE:

Progression of skills in Real PE

Progression of skills in Fundamental Movement Skills


Curriculum maps for Real PE for each year group can be found below:

Curriculum map for Foxes Class

Curriculum map for Penguins (Cycle A)

Curriculum map for Penguins (Cycle B)

Curriculum map for Meerkats (Cycle A)

Curriculum map for Meerkats (Cycle B)

Curriculum map for Jaguars

New Forest School Sports Partnership

We work in close partnership with the New Forest School Sports Partnership to ensure that all children are given regular opportunity to participate in competitive games within our school and with neighbouring schools in the New Forest. We regularly compete in, amongst others, cross country events, football tournaments and rugby matches. The New Forest School Sports Partnership also provide regular training for our school PE specialist so that new initiatives in PE can be reported back to all staff.

Each year, Tiptoe Primary School hosts a sports day that every child can participate in. All levels of ability are celebrated and opportunity is given for parents and carers to join in too.


Extra-curricular: Tiptoe Primary School provides after school clubs. They are open to all children and clubs are often oversubscribed. These provide opportunities for the children to participate in a range of activities and develop their skills further. Pupil Premium children may access one club every half term without any cost implications.


Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural (SMSC) Development in PE at Tiptoe

SPIRITUAL – Children are encouraged to reflect and evaluate their own performance in all areas of PE. Time is allocated in each session for children to observe others and evaluate their performance. They are then invited to provide feedback to their peers on what they have achieved well and advice on any improvements that can be made. Planning enables children to be inspired by events happening all over the world and special events centred around charity work such as Sports relief are planned annually for children to participate in.

MORAL – PE provides a perfect platform in which children can explore and adhere to rules, etiquette and sportsmanship. Through taking part in sporting activity, children have the chance to practise their leadership skills and develop a respect for others in their team.

SOCIAL – PE is a social subject. Children are encouraged to work together as part of a team in all areas of PE. This may be in pairs or small groups when devising sequences of movements in dance and gym or in a larger team when competing in a range of sports. Children at Tiptoe know that those that work well as part of a team are more likely to succeed. Representing their school in sport can be rewarded by a sense of pride. Participating as a team against others from neighbouring schools also ensures opportunity for meeting and participating with new friends.

CULTURAL – The PE planning at Tiptoe allows children to explore dances and sports from different cultures and traditions from around the world. Children will also experience music to move to from a range of cultures. Planning also ensures that children can watch inspirational athletes from around the world to help inspire their own performance.