Below is a two week unit of work to carry out focusing on instructional writing. Watch a video each day and carry out the relevant tasks. Don't forget to also click on the grammar button to complete a sentence level and word level activity each week.
If you have completed the unit above and unfortunately have to isolate again, below is a further unit of work on persuasive writing.
Below is the list of the spellings to be learnt by the end of Year 4 and some great strategies to learn tricky words. Why not challenge yourselves to learn 20 spellings that you don't know from the list by the end of term!
We have started to use the site Fiction Express to support you with your reading. This has a choice of three books a week with a chapter being released each day. Please choose a book and read a chapter. There are activities to carry out afterwards which include voting on what happens next and talking to the author - how exciting! Your usernames and passwords have been emailed to your grown ups so log on and have a go! Let us know what you think.
Other useful websites:
Oak Academy