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Meet Our Governors
Every school is required to have a governing body and school governors are drawn from different parts of the community. Our governing body is made up from representatives from the school staff, the Local Education Authority, the local community, parents, and the head teacher.
Our main aims are:
- To set up the strategic framework for the school. To focus on raising standards of achievement, establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning
- Act as a 'critical friend' by questioning policy and practice, as well as providing advice and support
- Overseeing the internal organisation and management of the school
The Governors of Tiptoe School are:
Chair - Co-Opted | Mrs Sue Fraser |
Headteacher Governor | Mrs Helen Smith |
Staff Governor | Mrs S Willis |
Local Authority Governor | Vacant |
Parent Governor | Mrs Saran Johnstone |
Co-Opted Governor | Prof Liz Chamberlain |
Co-Opted Governor | Mrs Vanessa Snellgrove |
Co-Opted Governor | Vacant |
Parent Governor | Vacant |
Co-Opted Governor | Vacant |
Clerk | Mrs Nikki George |
The Governing body can be contacted by email at or by leaving a message at the school office.
Click on this link to view our current Governing Body Register of Interests
Click on this link to view our most recent FGB meeting minutes
Click here to find our archived minutes
Click on this link for Terms of Reference