Related Pages
- Early Years Foundation Curriculum
- Curriculum KS1 & KS2
- English at Tiptoe
- Maths at Tiptoe
- Science at Tiptoe
- Geography at Tiptoe
- PE at Tiptoe
- Design and Technology at Tiptoe
- History at Tiptoe
- Computing at Tiptoe
- French at Tiptoe
- Art at Tiptoe
- Music at Tiptoe
- RE at Tiptoe
- PSHE at Tiptoe
- Emotionally literate
- Monster Phonics at Tiptoe
- Super skills
- Tiptoe School Learning Powers
- Forest Enrichment Curriculum
Class 6
Welcome to Starfish Class home learning page.
This page is for children who are isolating at home.
Each day you need to complete an English and Maths session.
You should read each day for at least 10 minutes.
You are encouraged to be active each day and you can find links to active sessions on the PE page.
Please choose two more activities each day. These can be found using the subject buttons below.