Tiptoe Primary

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White Rose Maths

Each week there are home learning videos to watch covering a different maths topic. Print off worksheets (if you have a printer) and work your way through the questions at your child's pace.  

Select Year 1 or Year 2 depending on your child's ability:

Year 1:   White Rose Year 1

Year 2:  White Rose Year 2



Maths Games

Choose games to practice different skills - adding, subtracting, multiplication, division, weighing etc.  Try out Helicopter Rescue or Hit the Button:

Topmarks Games



BBC Bitesize

Daily maths lessons.  Choose KS1 Year 1 or Year 2 depending on your child's ability.

BBC Bitesize



The Maths Factor

A free website by Carol Vorderman, which focuses on making Maths fun.  Covers ages 4-12 years old.

The Maths Factor