Tiptoe Primary

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 Welcome to Penguins                            

We are really looking forward to the term ahead and all the fun things we are going to do together!

Keep checking our class page and the google classroom for updates on our learning adventures!

If you were not able to attend our meet the teacher meeting this term then please click on the button below to read some useful information regarding your child's class. 

Meet the teacher meeting Aut 2024


The Seals and Penguin Class team!


Mrs Slater    Mrs Littlewood  Mrs James           Mrs Sutherland




Handwriting          Phonics                        Common Exception Words

KS 1 High Frequency Word List           SPAG Glossary 

Curriculum Letter KS 1 Spring Term 2025Timetable KS 1

Each week please try to; read every day to an adult, practise our spellings and complete a maths and English task. All homework is now on our google classroom! 

 Google Classroom

Reading List Year 1Reading List Year 2Yr 2 Book Recommendations

Penguins and Seals