Tiptoe Primary

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Here are some websites to use to support you in teaching your child maths at home. Click on the button to go to the website.
The Maths Factor
This website has daily video lessons and games that will engage your child in maths at home.
        The Maths Factor
White Rose Maths
This website has daily video lessons for your child to watch and engage with. The corresponding worksheets and answers are available on this page as you scroll down.
          White Rose Maths     
BBC Bitesize
This website has daily lessons for KS 1. Each lesson has a video and then suggested activities to support what has been learnt.
         BBC Bitesize
Oak National Academy
This website has daily lessons for maths and lots of other subjects that your child might enjoy.
       Oak National Academy
If you are looking for the white rose worksheets please check your email as these are now being sent directly to you.