Penguin and Year 1 Foxes Class
Welcome to Penguin and Year 1 Foxes Class Home Learning Page!
For handwriting practise see our class page for the link to a power point for cursive letter formation. Alternatively watch letters being formed when you click on the button below.
If you are isolating at home please try each day to complete 1 maths lesson, 1 phonics lesson, 1 PE workout, 10 mins handwriting and 15 mins reading. Then 3 times a week complete a literacy lesson and 2 times a week complete a SPAG lesson.
Then complete 1 other lesson if you can from the buttons below which include history, geography, RE, PSHE, art and science.
This half term in art we are studying the French painter Henri Rousseau. Click on the art button to find out more about him and have a go at making your own Henri Rousseau picture.
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Art we