Tiptoe Primary

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Foxes and Seals

 Welcome to our Learning Page


Welcome to our Learning Page. We hope that you can find everything that you need here to help you understand how and what your child will be learning in our class. We are so excited about all the learning that will happen his year. 


Meet the team 

Hello everybody! I am Mrs Waine. I will be teaching you from Monday to Thursday.

And I am Mrs Ainsworth I teach on Friday. We also have two teaching assistants Miss Snellgrove and Mrs Arden


Mrs Waine             Mrs Ainsworth    Miss Snellgrove   Mrs Arden

 In our class we are:          




Here is the our weekly timetable in the Class:





In our class we form our letters using a cursive script.  Children continue to learn to write using cursive script throughout the school.



 The Early Learning Goals    The Early Learning Goals (ELGs) are the goals or targets children are expected to achieve at the end of their Reception year. They will be working towards these goals throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage. There are 17 ELGs across all the areas of learning. The EYFS Profile is broken down into seven specific areas of learning:
- Physical development
- Personal, Social and Emotional development
- Literacy
-Understanding the World
-Expressive arts and design

Monster Phonics              Maths         Maths resources to support learning Literacy                    Reading         Communication and Language           Physical Development    PSHE         Understanding the World                   Expressive Art and Design                                      Foxes Curriculum Newsletter               Seals curriculum newsletter 


In the Foxes Class, most of our learning occurs naturally through play. We have a carefully resourced continuous provision, which we feel gives the children plenty of opportunity to develop in every area of learning. We provide enhancements within the provision and invitations to play for more in depth learning. Direct teaching also occurs to develop key skills.  
For more information on 'Development Matters' and the Early Learning Goals, please see the link below:       
                                 Development Matters


Creative and Physical Development in the Autumn Term