Tiptoe Primary

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Assemblies and Videos

Well done for working so hard everyone!

We still video our assemblies each week and send the link out via email with our weekly newsletter. It's just for our parents to enjoy so they can join us to celebrate some of your brilliant efforts,


Please click below:


End of Summer half term assembly    End of February half term assembly

We still video our assemblies each week and send the link out via email with our weekly newsletter. Hope you enjoy. We are now only putting special performance assemblies on here. You can find our latest Friday assembly on our home page. 


Our Christmas Assembly             Meerkats brass concert

Celebration Assembly Sept 24th   Tiptoe Harvest Festival

Celebration Assembly Sept 10th  Celebration Assembly Sept 17th

Leavers Assembly 2021

Celebration Assembly July 9th Celebration Assembly July 16th

Sponsored Walk  Celebration Assembly 2nd July

Celebration Assembly 11th June Sports Day Video

Celebration 30th April     Celebration assembly 14th May

Celebration March 12th     Times Table Video


Celebration Assembly                             Celebration Assembly 11th Sept

Celebration Assembly May 7th                   Celebration 18th September

Celebration Assembly 15th May                  Celebration 25th September

Celebration 21st May                            Celebration Assembly 2nd October

Celebration Assembly 5th June                 Celebration Assembly 9th October

Celebration assembly 12th June                Celebration Assembly 16th Oct

Celebration Assembly 19th June               Celebration 6th November

Celebration 26th June                           Celebration 13th November

Celebration Assembly July 3rd                 Celebration 20th November

Celebration Assembly 10th July               Celebration 27th November

Celebration Dec 11th       Well being Project video Autumn 2020


If you would like to see any of the photos talked about in the summer assemblies please look at our home learning photos page. Enjoy from the Tiptoe Team