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‘From My Back Door - Art From Nature’

There are many artists who are drawn to nature as a source of inspiration. I would like you to use this inspiration to make your very own work of art over the coming weeks.

The rules for the project are simple. Using nature as your stimulus, make a work of art that you can bring to school when we all return. Your work can be in any medium, it can be flat on piece of paper or on a canvas or 3D. It must be no larger than A4 size. It could be really tiny! It can be a drawing, painting, a collage, printmaking, an artist book or a piece of textile art. It could be a tiny sculptural piece, you could use something from nature and add to it.

When you finish, write your name and age on the back.  You could also write a short description about what inspired you to create this piece of art.  Think about the artists you looked at first, the piece of nature that was your starting point, why you made it etc. Lastly make up a great title for your work.

There is a wealth of inspiration from nature just outside your back door. Your creativity is waiting to be unleashed! You just need to look! Happy making and see you all soon!

Some creative ideas to get you started: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/jvanthul/nature-art-for-kids/

Also look at 'children's nature art' on Pinterest, the artist - Andrew Goldsworthy on https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zs87tfr or try ideas for nature art on https://artfulparent.com/nature-art-for-kids/




Have a go at making some yummy healthy fruit kebabs.  How many different fruits could you use?  Could you make different combinations of fruit?  Which ones look the most attractive? Which ones are the healthiest?  Try out the recipes on this website:


Once you have made them, try them out on your family.  If you made them again, how would you improve them?  Make a note of your ideas.

Good luck!